Salam Alaykum!
It's RAMADHAN! YES, believe me, IT'S RAMADHAN!
ALLAH have allowed us to become the guest of the noblest month ever! Yeah, I know I've mentioned this in my last post, but we have to live the syi'ar man, the spirit of Islam, spirit of Ramadhan! In actual truth, I'm truly excited that Ramadhan has spread it wings while I'm still alive (by the will of Allah) to witness Ramadhan this year. Alhamdulillah! More after the jump~
My teachers always said to us, "Madrasah Ramadhan is near." "Madrasah Ramadhan" means "school of Ramadhan." Ramadhan is a month that will educate us. That will teach us patience, perseverance, generosity, tolerance, empathy, and jihad. Ramadhan is called Madrasah Tarbiyah Jihadiyah - School of Jihad Education. Why is it called like that? You see my fellow brothers and sisters, during Ramadhan, we fast on the days and pray on the nights. We strive during the day and cleanse our heart at night; just like the warriors of ISLAM did during wartime. Additionally, ALLAH gave the Muslims great wins during Ramadhan!
I invite all of us Muslims to improve and increase our ibadah during this holy month, especially nafilah prayers, Qur'anic recitation and charity. May ALLAH be pleased with us and reward us with His Jannah!
*P/S: Anyone would like to volunteer writing a Ramadhan post for Fikruttaqwa Online?!
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