I just love the expression, the salute, the greeting. May salam be upon you. Whats more honourable a greeting than wishing his companion for peace, safety, prosperity and a lot more positive meanings conveyed by the Arabic word salam? Aint Islam just so beautiful? I love Islam, Im proud to be a Muslim and Im honoured to be one. Alhamdulillah for making me a Muslim!
I blurted out in my last post that I had so many things to do these days. Well, busy people, as Alif said. A popular saying among us, If you are not busy, you are not living.
SPM is approaching. Umana is degrading. Club work is piling. What can I do about it other than facing all of it as a syabab which are, based on Abrars trademark, full of colour, full of potential!
Actually in this post I wanna talk about the programme we all plannedthe Quantum Learning programme a.k.a. Bengkel 12A SPM.