Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Otanjoubi Omedetou, Zakiy-chan!

Salamun ‘ala man ittaba’ al-Huda.

Was he not in my mother’s womb before he was born, I’d say he’s a gift that Allah bestowed upon us from the heavens. And that happened exactly 13 solar years ago. With these hands I hereby craft a post, made of love and brotherhood, to a cute little someone, who has always made us cheerful, who had saved me from the boredom of being alone: I dedicate this post to my li’l bro, Ahmad Zakiy Mohsin.

I was alone for four years before he was born into this world. On that very day, 11 November 1996 equivalent to 1 Rajab, Allah gave me a little brother. I can’t say that he had changed my life … well, it was just four kodomo years that I’ve been alone. However, I certainly cannot imagine how my life would be without him.

I remember those times when I scolded him for copying everything I did. “Have you not your own identity?” Ah, I, too, was immature at that time. Nowadays, I scold him, “Why don’t you want to be like me?” Haha. Allah have given me the position of a ‘Big Bro’, so I have to be a good example for him to follow, right? I’m certain that I’m not good enough of a brother for him. As much as I set good examples, I also equally set bad examples for my cute bro. Next year, God willing, I’ll be studying overseas. I guess these following days are the last days that I can guide him to be a fine man, a better man than I am. Well, after I finished studying, this cute brat will become a handsome young man with a mind of his own, right?

Just when last year he was so childish, this year he seems to grow up rapidly. He got his own interests: MILSIM, to give one example. He seems to know his subject comprehensively. He sometimes interrupts the diniyah conversations between me and our parents. He talks to me about problems of his young heart. He went out with his friends to a cyber-cafe and get scolded for it, haha. Yeah, he is growing.

I don’t wish for you to be like me. I just wish that you will have the understanding of Islam (fikrah Islamiyah) like I do, or even better. I hope that you live your name to its fullest, as Ummi and Abah had thought so hard and deep to give you that name. They hoped that I will be a noble and knowledgeable man. Alas, I was a bit naughty when I was little (until now, actually). Ummi and Abah wanted a son who is intelligent and does good deeds. There you are, Ahmad Zakiy Mohsin.

Although you sometimes slack off (more like, recently?), I personally think that you are “zakiy” enough. The one word that I am most jealous in your name is mohsin. Our parents hope that you, my bro, possess the ihsan. Ihsan is like the highest level that a Believer can attain, after islam and iman. I really hope that you will be what described by the Prophet s.a.a.s. as you worship Allah like you see Him; even if you cannot see Him, verily, He sees you.

O my brother, the Honourable One who is Intelligent and Excellent, if we are separated by whatever means, I want you to remember that we are always together, in this Holy verse of the Qur’an from which our parents named us:

When he (Musa) reached full age, and was firmly established (in life), We bestowed on him wisdom and knowledge (‘ilman): for thus do We reward those who do good (mohsin).—Al-Qasas: 14

I want you to understand the meaning of this verse thoroughly!

Happy Birthday, Zakiy …
Kullu 'Am wa Antum Bikhair!

Your brother,
Ahmad Ashraf Ilman
The Honourable One who is Noble for His Knowledge.


  1. heheheh bermakna sungguh..pandai create ayat

  2. @UstShah:
    Orang tengah feeling, biasalah. Hehe.

  3. tapi asal kalau ana feeling, lagi tak sedap ayat dibuatnya.. hahahaha

  4. a very meaningful sharing from an older brother to his brother

  5. these words - a declaration of love from a big brother to his younger sibling, brings tears to my eyes. If there is one good thing that I have ever done in my life, it must be these ... that I have brought to this world my two noble sons who strive to live up to their names, as dignified Muslims, InshaAllah. I am humbled by the love portrayed by my sons. Allah bless you AHMAD ASHRAF ILMAN & AHMAD ZAKIY MOHSIN.
